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Tuesday 30 September 2014

A Simple Change To Boost Your Joy

How often do you take time to simply play? Take a look at children at recess or in the neighborhood park, and you'll notice the simple joy and freedom they exude as they run and play. Too often we lose this daily carefree playtime as we grow up.
Play involves a state of being in which we're engaged in fun, pleasurable activity. Although play may be perceived as unproductive, immature or trivial in adulthood, play can be beneficial for people of all ages.
Taking a playful approach to life’s tasks is a great way to become more in touch with your inner spirit and reconnect with your true passionate purpose. When you cultivate a playful spirit, you may find that you can approach tasks in a more relaxed and focused manner and develop more creative and innovative solutions to problems.
The novelty and pleasure derived from spontaneous play can strengthen the body, improve our health and stimulate the mind to help expand creativity and productivity. Allowing your creativity to shine can help you to cultivate your passions and build an authentic, balanced life. Play helps us reduce stress, connect with others and increase joy!
Try these strategies to incorporate more play into your day and rediscover the magic of joyful play!
1. Make your own playtime!
There are great places for play all around you, from gyms to parks. Open spaces are great places to engage in playful activities alone or with friends. But you don't need a special location or designated playdate to make your own custom playtime! Reconnect with your inner child and allow yourself to play for fun! Run around a park, build a fort, make up a game, play fetch with your dog or experiment in the kitchen. Incorporate a playful approach to everyday tasks.
2. Consider playtime a mindfulness practice!
Mindfulness is a sought-after state. You may go to your weekly yoga class or sit daily in meditation in search of obtaining this valuable, open presence. Practicing mindfulness improves our physical and mental health and cultivates a greater sense of awareness. Play is a great way to deliberately engage in the present moment.
3. Let your inner child speak passionately to you!
Although our everyday lives can make us feel limited and trapped by an endless to-do list, being fully alive involves letting go and valuing the carefree experience of play along with goal-oriented work. Reflect on things you loved to do as a child. Make a list of ways that you can play. Take time to go out and do something you loved to do as a child or have not done in a while. Feel free to simply enjoy yourself!
4. Remember the way you feel when you're completely free of cares!
What's it like for you to let go, to stop worrying about your to-do list and to take time to simply allow your soul to enjoy the experience of being alive? Incorporating a sense of play into your day-to-day life affirms your joyful spirit, spontaneity and fun. List how play helps you to be more creative, energetic, productive, renewed, joyful, refreshed and happy.
How can you add more play into your life? Even a small shift in your attitude toward play can go a long way toward boosting your creativity, increasing your joy and improving your productivity. Follow these tips and prioritize play in your day!

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