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Tuesday 30 September 2014

Why Smart Men Do Yoga

Let's begin by identifying an oxymoron: men and yoga!
Generally speaking, it's like oil and water. But men that practice yoga are smart, period. As for those that don’t, well… let me to try to help you.
Let's face it, we men don’t like being vulnerable in front of each other, let alone the opposite sex! And going to a class filled with sweating, half-naked women, and then being asked to move our bodies in ways we never have, is a tall order.
So gentlemen believe me, I get it. But here’s what your missing…
If you don't practice yoga but you consider yourself an intelligent person, did you know that smarts alone aren’t always enough? There is a fundamental difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Knowledge is knowing and wisdom is doing. Knowledge is sight and wisdom is insight.
Yoga teaches us how to convert a head full of information into a life filled with peace and prosperity, and that it’s not what we do in life that ultimately matters —  it's how we do it!
Every man could use this lesson. The job does not make the man. The man makes the job.
Yoga teaches us there is no place for the ego if we want true peace in our lives. The ego only produces fear. And without fear, we are not concerned with what we will lose or never gain in this world. We are simply delighted to use our talents and resources to serve all of humanity.
A Navy Seal that attended my class recently said to me, “that was the toughest workout I've ever had in my life, even tougher than Seal training.” Yoga will prepare you for every sport and every activity. But nothing prepares you for yoga.
Clint Eastwood stated in one of his finest movies, Sudden Impact, that “a man's got to know his limitations.” Clint’s a smart man and a serious meditator. And like Clint, yoga will teach you how to honor your limitations.
Yoga also makes us more comfortable in our skin and feel really good about ourselves. We learn to see ourselves through a different kind of mirror — an internal mirror. You can look good on the outside, but that doesn’t mean you are going to feel good on the inside. But once we feel good from the inside-out, we are going to look really good as a result.
So guys, try to remember that yoga is not easy in any form, but it will make your life a whole lot easier. If you consider yourself a smart man, then get out there and try some yoga today!

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