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Tuesday 30 September 2014

How to Get in the Mood to Study

Do you just can't get in mood to study? Do you feel so much distracted and think that you can't study right now? With a little focus, you can re-energize yourself and get into the mood for revision.


  1. Get in the Mood to Study Step 1.jpg
    Try to figure out what's getting in the way of your studying mindset. There might be a lot of things running in your brain. Try to find out what are they and write them on a paper. Then plan how and when will you solve the problems so that you can relax now.
  2. Get in the Mood to Study Step 2.jpg
    Get a nice place to study. An open place or a close room, terrace or garden? Anything that works for you will be fine. Be sure that the place is comfortable (for studying, not sleeping!), well-lit and airy.
    • If you want to study in your room, then try to keep you room clean. A clean and fresh room is an ideal spot for studying.
  3. Get in the Mood to Study Step 3.jpg
    Get you study table cleaned and organized. A clean and organized study table will motivate you to study.
    • Clean your study table. Make it free of unnecessary things.
    • Try to keep only books and copies related to Mathematics if you want to study maths. In the same way try to keep study materials of only that subject on the table which you want to study. But it will be no problem if you have some other subject books on the table too. The purpose to keep books of only one subject at a time is to keep your self from distracting.
    • Keep all necessary things related to your study on the table so that you don't have to get up every time you need them. A pen stand, marker and highlighter, pencil, eraser, scale, scissor, etc should be always near to you.
  4. Get in the Mood to Study Step 4.jpg
    Be sure that you have enough time to study. You should have at least 30 minutes to study because if you don't have sufficient time to study then a feeling might strike you that you can't study anything in just 10 minutes or 20 minutes.
    • Make a study schedule. Try to follow it everyday until it becomes a habit so that you'll automatically get in a mood to study everyday on time!
  5. Get in the Mood to Study Step 5.jpg
    Be competitive. Match your grades with the good students of your class. If your grades are lower than that of them, try to work harder. Take them as competitors and not rivals.Of course they are your friends, go ask them how much and when do they study. You may get some help.
    • Being competitive doesn't means that you shouldn't talk to students with lowers grades or weaker students. Talk to them, who knows they might also help you.
    • Comparing yourself with other isn't considered a good thing but taking others achievements as a challenge is the best way to know your possibilities.
    • Understand the difference between being competitive and being jealous.

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